University of Wisconsin–Madison

CMC Essentials for Team Leaders in Biologics Product Development

Developed & Conducted by the Division of Pharmacy Professional Development, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

This course covers practical CMC aspects for large molecule development programs and associated regulatory filings. Presentations will cover key technical activities carried out in drug substance, drug product, analytical method development leading to the initial IND and subsequently to a BLA/CTD. Other important activities typically conducted by the CMC team covered include the preparation, testing, packaging, and labeling of clinical trial supplies and the associated elements of quality assurance and regulatory compliance. In addition, the course covers basic project planning for regulatory filings, including timing of events and interdependencies of the many tasks required to advance a candidate to Phase 1 and beyond. Filing documents are examined, section by section, with a description of the content of each section and the typical level of detail consistent with FDA guidance documents.

The course is structured to provide background information in an informal setting designed to offer many question and answer opportunities. Additionally, attendees will work in small groups to conduct a number of exercises related to leading the construction and execution of CMC project plans and addressing specific tasks typically encountered by the project team. Each group will create a team structure and project plans to advance real-life development programs through the various stages of drug substance, drug product, analytical method and clinical development. All small group members will have the opportunity to lead their teams through a planning exercise and present their team’s results back to the course attendees and faculty.

The overall objective of the course is to provide current and prospective CMC project leaders and others engaged in chemistry, formulation and manufacturing activities a sufficient depth of knowledge and management skill to immediately and positively impact their organization’s CMC development activities and regulatory filings, the key deliverables of the team. Concepts and lessons are equally applicable to all stages of drug candidate and life cycle management development programs.  As noted in the course title, and per the requests by many past attendees in the CMC small molecule focused course, the focus of this course is large molecules. 

This course is part of the Drug Product Development Certificate. It fulfills one elective. Take the course ‘as-is’ or as part of the certificate.

Developed & Conducted by the Division of Pharmacy Professional Development, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Registration Information


Refund Policy

Course date:May 19, 2025 - May 22, 2025

Pyle Center - University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus
702 Langdon Street
Madison, WI

Course fee:

$2300 (please contact us for group rates)

$1150 Academic and non-profit (contact us for registration code)
$575 Graduate student (contact us for registration code)

Please contact us for group discounts.

Tuition includes a reception on Monday evening and lunch on Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday.

Refund Policy: All requests for refunds, less a $75 administrative fee, will be honored if received prior to May 7, 2025. No refunds will be provided after that date.

Course Objectives

The overall objective of the course is to provide current and prospective CMC project leaders and others engaged in chemistry, formulation and manufacturing activities a sufficient depth of knowledge and management skill to immediately and positively impact their organization's CMC development activities and regulatory filings, the key deliverables of the team. Concepts and lessons are equally applicable to all stages of drug candidate and life cycle management development programs.  As noted in the course title, and per the requests by many past attendees in the CMC small molecule focused course, the focus of this course is large molecules. 

Upon completion of the course, the attendees should be able to describe:

  1. The role of the CMC team and project manager in the broader context of the entire product development program
  2. Essentials of project team management, including team dynamics, managing meetings, decision making, communication, negotiation and conflict resolution
  3. Project planning and timing of CMC-related events leading to regulatory filings
  4. Practical approaches for addressing typical tasks carried out by the project team
  5. Key large molecule drug substance, drug product, and analytical method development activities as they pertain to regulatory filings
  6. Content of Drug Substance and Drug Product sections of regulatory filings and the level of detail recommended by relevant FDA guidance documents

Course Outline


Attendees view introductory lecture prior to the start of the course

Monday, May 19, 2025
7:45 am

Continental Breakfast/Networking

8:15 am

Welcome and Introductions

Introductions & Questions on Pre-Course Introduction
Robert Hagan, PhD
, Outreach Program Manager, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison (with pre-course input from Satish Singh, PhD, Vice President, Drug Product Development, Astria Therapeutics, Boston, MA).

8:30 am

Differences:  Small molecule vs. Large molecules
Speaker: Satish Singh, PhD, Vice President, Drug Product Development, Astria Therapeutics, Boston, MA

Compare and contrast of key properties between small and large molecules, including Structure, Manufacture, Delivery, Toxicology, and Immunogenicity.

9:30 am

Design and Selection of Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs): Computational and Complementary Experimental Approaches
Speaker: Sandeep Kumar, PhD, Distinguished Fellow, Head of Computational Protein Design and Modeling, Modema Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA

  Coverage of current trends in Industrialization of antibody-based biotherapeutics, the   stages in antibody discovery Considerations of Developability and pre-formulation during antibody discovery, pointing out opportunities for the use of computation at different stages of antibody discovery and early development.  Finally, paradigm shifts related to discovering developable antibodies via computation, antibody developability in the age of mRNA delivery and developability screening assays.

10:30 am Break
10:45 am

Biologics Drug Substance Development-Part 1
Speaker: Adekunle Onadipe, PhD, Associate Research Fellow (retired), Pfizer, Inc., Chesterfield, MO

Discussion of the key aspects of drug substance development, to include cell line development, cell banking, cell culture process development and purification process development.

11:45 am


12:45 pm

Biologics Drug Substance Development-Part 2
Speaker: Adekunle Onadipe, PhD 

A continuation of the Biologics Drug Substance topics from Part 1

1:30 pm

Team Exercise #1: Drug Development
Moderator: Adekunle Onadipe, PhD 

2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm CMC Biologics Development from a Regulatory Perspective
Speaker: Karen Sitney, PhD, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls (RA CMC), AbbVie, North Chicago, IL
Discussion of points to consider during biologics drug development from a regulatory perspective, and how these aspects are presented in regulatory submissions.  Primary focus will be antibody-based biotherapeutics but will also touch on advanced therapeutics.
3:45 pm Team Exercise #2 - Regulatory Exercise
Moderator: Karen Sitney, PhD
5:00 pm Adjourn and Reception at Pyle Center
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
7:45 am

Continental Breakfast/Networking

8:30 am

Summary of Day One
Students and instructors provide their perspectives and questions on the first day of the course

8:45 am CMCDrug Product (Formulation) Development
Speaker: Nesredin Mussa, PhD, President, Dynamica Biologics, San Francisco, CA

Discussion the formulation development considerations that ultimately lead to a liquid or lyophillzed dosage forms.  Process development and control strategy will be also discussed.
9:45 am Analytical Development for Biologics, Part 1
Speaker: Nesredin Mussa, PhD

Assay development can be extensive and is critical to control drug product Quality. The speaker will cover assays such as those for compendial testing, purity, impurity, bioassay development and identity testing. The speaker will cover the process analytical control strategies and setting specifications, and how those specifications may change over the drug product development process. 
10:45 am Break
11:00 am

Team Exercise #3 Introduction and Working Session



1:00 pm

Team Exercise #3 - Sub-groups report to entire group

Sub-groups present their constructed project plans, highlighting key features, assumptions, and critical success factors

1:45 pm

Comparability: Basic Concepts - Part 1
Speaker: Satish Singh, PhD

Comparability for large molecules vs the approach used for small molecules (SUPAC).  The various approaches for process comparability and analytical comparability are discussed leading to a phase appropriate comparability package with meaningful acceptance criteria.

2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm

Comparability: Strategy

Speaker: Satish Singh, PhD

3:30 pm

Comparability from a Regulatory Perspective with Specific Relevance to Biologics
Speaker: Karen Sitney, PhD

Discussion of regulatory aspects of comparability, health authority expectations, and considerations for life cycle management, including some regulatory perspectives for Biosimilars.


Comparability - Case Studies with Discussions

5:30 pm


Evening free to explore Madison

Wednesday, May 21, 2025
7:45 am

Continental Breakfast/Networking

8:30 am Summary of Day Two
Students and instructors provide their perspectives and questions on the first day of the course
9:00 am Analytical Development for Biologics, Part 2
Speaker: Nesredin Mussa, PhD

Assay development can be extensive and is critical to control drug product Quality. The speaker will cover assays such as those for compendial testing, purity, impurity, bioassay development and identity testing. The speaker will cover the process analytical control strategies and setting specifications, and how those specifications may change over the drug product development process. 
10:00 am

Project Management in the World of CMC Biologics-Part 1

Speaker: Ardala Katzfuss, PhD, Applied Drug Development, University of WI-Madison, School of Pharmacy, Madison, WI

10:45 am Break
11:00 am

Project Management in the World of CMC Biologics-Part 2

Speaker: Ardala Katzfuss, PhD

12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm

Team Exercise #4

Moderator: Faculty

1:45 pm

Team Exercise #4: Sub-groups report to entire group

Sub-groups present their assessments for drug substance and drug product changes

2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm Biosimilars - Essecial Concepts
Speaker: Gene McNally, PhD, PPD, Madison, WI
3:45 pm

Team Exercise #5: Introduction and Working Session

Moderator: Rick Pyter faculty

5:00 pm Adjournment - Evening free to explore Madison
Thursday, May 22, 2025
7:45 am

Continental Breakfast/Networking

8:30 am

Tales of CMC Product Development
Instructors, staff and students are invited to share experiences on their real-life project successes, failures and 'what if' scenarios.

9:30 am

Team Exercise #5 - Sub-groups Report to Entire Group

Sub-groups present their constructed project plans, highlighting key features, assumptions and critical success factors.

10:30 am

Course summary

Instructors, staff and students  are invited to share experiences on their real-life project successes, “failures” and “what if” scenarios. 

11:15 am

Course Assessments

Rob Hagen, PhD
Key concepts will be summarized and integrated in closing comments. Attendees will be asked to fill out a course assessment form to help the faculty improve future offerings.

11:30 am Adjournment



Hotel accommodations are the responsibility of the attendee.

The Graduate Hotel (1/2 block from the course site)
601 Langdon Street
Madison, Wi  53703
Rate: $169.00

(608) 257-4391

Block released 5.1.2025

Booking link