University of Wisconsin–Madison

Deprescribing in the Older Adult

A pharmacist counsels her patient about his prescription medication.There is a positive correlation between number of medications and rates of falls and adverse drug events leading to hospitalizations. Older adults are at risk for falls and adverse events due to a high average number of medications.  More often than not, medications are added to patient regimens when a new symptom appears. 

This webinar focuses on tools for appropriately deprescribing medications that are no longer indicated or have a potential to cause harm.

Developed & Conducted by the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin
in cooperation with the Division of Pharmacy Professional Development, Pharmacy Society of WI logo
School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison and the United Way.

There are no current offerings of this course

Please contact the program coordinator for more information.

Program Coordinator

Eric Buxton, PhD

Division of Pharmacy Professional Development
777 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705
(608) 262-2431 FAX
(608) 265-2259