A New Partnership for Healthcare Leadership
Healthcare Industry: A look into the future
The demographics of the United States are shifting. An aging baby boomer population has increased the demand for healthcare services. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects the healthcare industry to grow by 18%. This makes healthcare the fastest growing occupation group. The healthcare industry will add 2.3 million new jobs by 2026.
This growth will create a need for competent healthcare managers. The BLS predicts that the demand for healthcare managers will increase by 20%. These managers will have to organize medical information and lead healthcare teams. Many will have to operate healthcare divisions or facilities as well. As the medical practice becomes complex, managers will have to develop cross-functional skills. The growing use of electronic health records (EHR) will make it necessary for managers to have advanced knowledge of health information technology. With shifting political policies on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), leaders have to be comfortable with uncertainty too.
That is why Healthcare Management is a rapidly growing specialty within the healthcare industry. Opportunities in healthcare management can go beyond the traditional industry. Healthcare managers can grow their career in digital health, insurance, finance, and even venture capital.
Video on healthcare leadership by Bureau of Labor Statistics
Pharmacy Professional Development: A Commitment to Grow Healthcare Leaders
Healthcare professionals have busy demanding work schedules. Most do not have the time or ability to pursue an MBA or other professional development activities to hone their leadership skills. As a leading provider of continuing education, the Division of Pharmacy Professional Development (DPPD) at the University of Wisconsin – Madison (UW) has the responsibility to bring leadership training to busy healthcare professionals. This leadership training needs to be relevant and practical. It must fit with their busy schedule and build on the wealth of experience healthcare professionals have in the industry.
DPPD is the country’s largest academic provider of pharmacy continuing education. The Division has served the needs of the healthcare industry for over 65 years. As part of the University of Wisconsin family, the division aligns with the Wisconsin Idea that education should serve the community. Central to our mission is that DPPD’s service to the healthcare industry meets the ever-changing needs of healthcare professionals through relevant and innovative continuing education programs. The department’s vision is focused on career growth for healthcare professionals as well as enhanced patient outcomes. DPPD will have a major role in shaping the future of healthcare leadership.
Meet Dr. Mark Brouker

Dr. Brouker is an exceptional healthcare professional and leader. He is a Pharmacist, Board Certified Pharmacotherapist (BCPS), Board Certified Healthcare Executive Fellow (FACHE). During his thirty-year career in the United States Navy, Dr. Brouker held many challenging healthcare leadership positions. He was Chief Operating Officer at an overseas naval hospital. He also served as Chief Executive Officer at one of the largest naval hospitals in the world.
As Chief Operating Officer at Navy Medicine West, he oversaw the operations of 10 hospitals located on the west coast and the Indian Ocean that were responsible for over 800,000 patients. During this period, he coached and mentored ten other CEOs.
Today Dr. Brouker is retired from the Navy, but healthcare leadership is his lifelong passion. He currently teaches leadership studies at Chapman University. He also draws upon his vast leadership experience as president of Brouker Leadership Solutions.
Brouker Leadership Solutions provides leadership training to leaders at every level across various industries. This is not textbook leadership training. It is practical and powerful. Dr. Brouker inspires leaders and aspirational leaders to create a culture of leadership. He guides them to create powerful teams using accountability and delegation; providing a blueprint for not just successful leadership, but a path to success for team members and the organization.
Dr. Brouker’s leadership clients include the Egyptian Ministry of Health, National Biotechnology Conference, World Congress of Pharmacy, as well as the illustrious Navy Seals.
A Partnership for the Future of Healthcare
“Mark is a pragmatist and good person to not talk theory with, but practice. He is all about application and utility. He has vast experience in the healthcare setting and is known for his approachability. Most impressive is his perspective of taking care of “people” on your staff first” – Erik Burns, Division Chair
It all started with a casual conversation at an international scientific assembly. Dr. Brouker connected with Dr. Erik Burns and Brett Kelly of DPPD and discussed the need for leadership development among healthcare professionals. This discussion became the foundation for the development, of course, focused on developing practical leadership competencies for healthcare professionals.
Dr. Brouker’s experience serving in the Navy, as well as training Naval Cadets and Navy Seals provides a unique perspective, unlike any leadership course. Military skills are applicable in many civilian settings. Healthcare Leaders will greatly benefit learning about leadership pearls from the military.
The team at DPPD collaborated with Dr. Brouker to design and develop the course “Leadership for Inspiring a Powerful Healthcare Team: Military skills adapted for Healthcare Leaders“. This one and a half day course will be held at the Marriot West in Middleton, Wisconsin from May 22, 2018, to May 23, 2018.
“He (Dr. Brouker) is a pharmacist, a healthcare professional who became a healthcare leader. He has a proven record of success and has rave reviews as a gifted speaker. He is a leadership instructor at three Pharmacy Schools and is writing his own leadership book”. – Brett Kelly, Associate Faculty
Day one will consist of several discussion sessions and group exercises to help professionals discover their strengths and sharpen their leadership skill. The second half day will help healthcare professionals create their own personalized action plan for successful leadership. Every participant will leave with a practical, measurable, and achievable action plan that will lead them and their teams to success.
Dr. Erik Burns and Brett Kelly believe that healthcare leaders will find this course invaluable. Dr. Burns hopes that this course will lead to a leadership series designed for the future of the healthcare industry.
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Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017, 10 24). Occupational Outlook Handbook: Healthcare Professionals. Retrieved from BLS.Gov: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/home.htm
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017, 10 24). Occupational Outlook Handbook: Medical and Health Service Managers. Retrieved from BLS.gov: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/medical-and-health-services-managers.htm